What We Do

Changing the construction industry one payment at a time.
This sounds great but how do we do it?
PayArk began with a conversation about the impact of a builder becoming insolvent.
One builder becoming insolvent results in a funding gap to hundreds of parties in the supply chain.
The Developer has paid for the work, the subcontractors have completed the work, but neither have the funds...
We recognised the need for a more efficient and transparent payment system within the construction industry.
This is where PayArk comes into play.
We put ourselves between the interested parties to ensure funds end up in the correct bank account as agreed during the month end claims process.
Check out the links below to see how we do this and what it would mean for your business.

Market Analysis

Every year in Australia, an average of around 2,000 builders find themselves in liquidation taking with them hundreds of thousands of dollars in funds that will be tied up for years with administrators.
This means that hundreds of sub contractors will be lucky to receive a few cents for every dollar owed or in many cases will never see their moneys owed.
Developers will often make payments of over one million dollars in a single month which get caught up in these processes.
The ongoing effects a countless but to name a few:
- The most recent payment to the builder may not have made its way to sub contractors leaving them unpaid for works completed.
- Developers end up directly paying sub contractors to get them to return to their jobs. Effectively paying twice for the same piece of work.
- Subcontractors can be put out of business due to the sudden cash shortage
PayArk aims to limit the impact of these events as much as possible.

How PayArk Works

Subcontractors make month end claims to their builder via the normal process.
Builders submit their head contract claims to PayArk with the approved subcontractor claims attached.
The Developer and other nominated parties such as a QS are advised that a new claim is ready for assessment.
Once the claim has been approved, the funds are automatically distributed to the builder and subcontractors directly in accordance with the approved claims submitted.
The process is simple and transparent to all parties ensuring that monies get to the right accounts without delay or interference.



PayArk is a modern web based application purpose built for the construction industry using highly secure bank grade architecture.
All transactions processed through PayArk are two way authorised by the builder and the developer and the actual financial transactions are processed using our business partner Moonova.
This means that all funds are secure no matter what situation arises.


PayArk is trusted by developers across Australia
We offer a level of financial protection not seen in Australian construction to date.
We process millions of dollars every month on behalf of our customers and can on average reduce the impact of an insolvency event by approximately 65%.
This translates to many hundreds of thousands of dollars no longer lost.

Contact Us

For more information or to chat about what we can do for you, reach out and we can start the conversation.